August Business After Hours & Groundbreaking Planned for Four Seasons RV
August 9, 2022
August is an exciting month for the Dickinson County Partnership! As we get ready to send children back to school, prep for nights of cheering for our favorite local football teams, and prepare for some fall temperatures (hopefully...) across Dickinson County, we are excited to come back together as a business community for our August Business After Hours event, hosted this month by Four Seasons RV! Prior to the event, we will be kicking off the newest expansion at their location with a ground breaking ceremony beginning at 4:30 p.m. Come see how Four Seasons RV plans to expand to continue to serve their customers and provide the 5 star service they have brought to Dickinson County's RV sales scene. After the official ground breaking, join us for our Business After Hours networking event, complete with beverages for guests, info, tours, and more of Four Seasons' facilities, a chance to explore their gear shop, and have some amazing food truck food. That'r right! We said food truck!
Join the fun by RSVPing to Courtney Dixon at or by calling 785-200-3518. This event is open to business professionals across Dickinson County; RSVPs are greatly appreciated.
Come join us!