Starting a Business in Dickinson County
Dickinson County has plenty of communities perfect for entrepreneurs. But starting that new business can be a daunting endeavor. The DKEDC has put together all the information needed for anyone to find the confidence to match their passion.
Every good entrepreneur should have a business plan. Developing that plan, determining funding sources and deciding on the proper business structure to meet your needs all are essential to your success.
Once armed with a sound business plan, a businessperson can seek to start their operation. But there are several key steps needed to ensure your business gets off on the right foot. Registering with the proper authorities, hiring employees and obtaining all the proper licenses and permits are just a few items necessary to get the ball rolling.
Next, the business manager can focus on operations. There are a number of requirements necessary beyond the specifics of your company. For example, ‘Good Standing Status’ refers to the fact that every business registered with the Kansas Secretary of State must file an annual report. Developing protocol to renew those licenses and permits procured in starting up an operation, along with paying the variety of pertainable taxes, go a long way toward allowing you to focus on the business itself.
One attribute sought by every businessperson is growth. And the state of Kansas proactively offers ways to assist that growth, which can be unique to every business. If physical expansion is required, there are many resources for Kansas business owners looking to grow through incentives, tax credits and other funding. Continuous development for the workforce is another form of growth, including employee education and training necessary to help improve their performance.
Finally, businesses may be sold or closed for a myriad of reasons. There are well laid plans to do so, including notifying the Kansas Secretary of State, Department of Labor and Department of Revenue.
The DKEDC knows the procedures involved with starting your business can seem like a confusing experience. So please see the tabs below for further information on starting your business in Dickinson County!