DKEDC Celebrates Economic Development Week!
May 13, 2022
Dickinson County Economic Development Corporation (DKEDC) marks the week of May 9 to May 13, 2022, as the next Economic Development Week. During this week, communities across North America will celebrate and recognize the contributions made by professional economic developers to create more economically vibrant and livable communities.
Created in 2016 by International Economic Development Council (IEDC), the largest international professional trade association for economic developers, Economic Development Week aims to increase awareness for local programs that create jobs, advance career development opportunities, and improve the quality of life in communities everywhere.
“Economic developers play essential roles in promoting the economic health and vitality of their communities — a fact that has only been proven further by the events of the past two years,” says IEDC President & CEO Nathan Ohle. “The 2022 Economic Development Week will serve to recognize, honor and celebrate the ingenuity and leadership practitioners have shown in working to create a more equitable and prosperous future for everyone. I encourage everyone to begin planning their own celebrations that will lift up the important outcomes economic developers facilitate in their communities.”
DKEDC is committed to driving Dickinson County forward through economic development efforts including business retention and expansion, workforce development through housing, childcare, and quality of life initiatives, supporting entrepreneurship across the county, and recruiting businesses and assisting start-ups ready to help each of Dickinson County’s vibrant business communities grow. During Economic Development week, and all year long, we encourage you to reach out to a member of the DKEDC staff or board to learn more about how DKEDC can best serve your community, business, or organization. The DKEDC board is comprised of members from across Dickinson County and includes: Chairman Dennis Weese, Vice Chairman Darrin Volkman, Past Chair Cassy Wilson, Treasurer Doug Smart, Sabrina Holland, Beth Weibert, Gina Rader, Tony Geiger, Branden Dross, Scott Bankes, Kenny Roelofsen, and ex-officio member Commissioner Lynn Peterson.
“Economic development is, at its very core, the ability to create a sustainable, healthy, and growing business environment to be enjoyed today and for years to come. Creating a business environment that is both welcoming to new industries and start-ups and fosters growth and vitality for businesses already established in our communities is a large driving force in maintaining a strong economy in Dickinson County,” stated DKEDC Administrative Assistant Courtney Dixon. “It is our goal to continue building positive relationships with businesses, governmental bodies, and community members to create an environment that is open, positive, and ready to experience growth in their business and communities. We couldn’t do that without the support of both the private and public sector, and we thank all of those who have been involved in Driving Dickinson County. We have our work boots on and are ready to continue to serve our communities and create long-lasting economic opportunities county-wide,” she added.