Manufacturing Drives Dickinson County
September 17, 2021
As communities across the country seek to regain some semblance of normalcy post-pandemic, the importance of manufacturing companies and their employees is more relevant than ever. Beginning with National Manufacturing Day on October 1, the Dickinson County Economic Development Corporation (DKEDC) is celebrating local manufacturers for their employment opportunities, innovations and dedication to the community throughout the month of October. We are proud to recognize the global manufacturing companies that produce goods using the latest technologies and plentiful raw materials in Dickinson County.
Manufacturing Day Stretches Through the Whole Month of October
Launched annually on the first Friday in October with events that continue throughout the month, Manufacturing Day shows the reality of modern manufacturing careers by encouraging thousands of companies and educational institutions around the nation to open their doors to students, parents, teachers, and community leaders. With the theme of “Creators Wanted,” the focus is on building the workforce of the future by educating America’s youth about the incredible career pathways that modern manufacturing offers. Manufacturing creates careers that are full of opportunity for advancement and stability.
Manufacturing in Dickinson County
Manufacturing Month is an excellent time to call attention to the many manufacturing companies in Dickinson County. Manufacturers such as Abilene Machine, Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc., U.S. Stone Industries, Hodgdon Powder, and Rawhide Portable Corral are leaders in technology and good workplace practices, produce high quality products and consistently innovate to keep in step with and progress their industries. We are proud these companies have made their home in Dickinson County.
Manufacturing Sector Growth in Kansas
Manufacturing’s importance throughout Kansas is due to the sector’s stability and growth. In fact, manufacturing contributes 15.55% to the Gross State Product annually, according to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). The export of manufacturing goods from Kansas was also over $8.26 billion, creating jobs and economic opportunities for the state.
The Kansas manufacturing industry employed 157,000 people in 2020, and as reported by NAM, the average annual compensation for Kansas’ manufacturing jobs was nearly $75,000 in 2019. Upon graduating high school or trade school, students can begin working for one of Kansas’ manufacturing companies and, within a few years, reach a level of income that surpasses the average household income in the United States.
Reasons to Locate in Dickinson County
Dickinson County offers several advantages to national and global manufacturing companies, beginning with its central location and excellent infrastructure. Dickinson County businesses have immediate access to I-70 and are a short 20 miles from I-35. The Manhattan Regional Airport and Salina Airport Authority are 30 to 45 minutes away from most county business centers and there are many rail terminals throughout the county. This creates an ease of access that enables Dickinson County businesses to transport raw materials and finished products throughout the country and the world.
Sites and properties are available in Dickinson County for manufacturing companies looking to expand. Businesses have the room they need to grow in Dickinson County and local economic developers are available to make it easy to find the perfect location.
In certain cases, state and local financial incentives can be applied to make the move an even better investment. Kansas has no inventory tax or franchise tax and exempts the property tax on commercial and industrial machinery and equipment. In addition, Kansas cities or counties do not impose income or earnings taxes on personal or corporate income.
Finally, Dickinson County has a large pool of skilled workers who are loyal and dedicated with access to workforce training programs. DKEDC is able to leverage relationships with KANSASWORKS and three major research universities to train and attract talent.
To learn more about how DKEDC can help manufacturing companies in Dickinson County, email us or call (785) 200-3518.