It’s Beginning
June 2, 2021
It’s been a long 14 months, and we commend local businesses for adapting to the challenges you have faced. We have been adapting during this time as well. As we mentioned in the last newsletter, we have launched the Driving Dickinson County Partnership (The Partnership) and are thrilled to announce the hiring of Amy Isaacs, our Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Manager.
As part of launching The Partnership, we sent out a survey asking for your input on the services, functions, and benefits you wanted The Partnership to continue. With the results of this survey, we are developing a process, procedure, and information about the programs you said you wanted to see continued and look forward to sharing that with you soon.
We are hearing that there is a need for employees, housing, and childcare, and we look forward to meeting with you to understand the challenges you face and bring the available resources to you and others to help overcome these challenges. We also look forward to hearing what lunch and learn and seminar topics are of interest to you so we can begin getting those scheduled.
Working together, we can continue Driving growth here in Dickinson County.