Dickinson County CDBG-CV Grant Reopens
February 26, 2021
CDBG-CV grant funding for Dickinson County businesses located outside of the city of Abilene has reopened! The grant is on a first come, first served basis, so be sure to get your applications in quickly. The amount of request may decrease based on available funds. Application deadline is March 15th, 2021. Here is some additional information on the grants:
- Eligibility: Any for profit business in existence as of March 1, 2020 that is retaining jobs and benefiting 51% or more low to moderate income families and now owned by an elected official of the city/county.
- Use of Grant Funds: Operational relief, including payroll, utilities, (City or County billed/owned utilities are not eligible), rent, inventory (limited to 60 days), and other monthly expenditures. Cost cannot be incurred prior to 3/1/2020. Cannot be used to pay off loans.
- Amount:
- Businesses with 1-5 employees: up to $25,000 per Full Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs retained based on need for businesses with a max imum funding of $30,000 per company.
- 6-50 employees: up to $35,000 per FTE jobs retained based on the need of a business with a maximum funding of $50,000 per company
- Additional Information:
- If awarded, the business will be required to supply invoices, receipts and proof of payment for funds seeking to be reimbursed. Please note the invoices must be dated 3/1/2020 or later including check number and paid date written on each invoice.
- Businesses cannot have outstanding Kansas Department of Revenue or IRS tac obligations.
- Note: Amount of request may decrease based on availability of funds.
To learn more or access the application, visit: DKEDC